Two Blokes – Apple Pie Cyser
Cider Profile:
Name: Two Blokes – Apple Pie Bourbon Barrel Aged Spiced Cyser
Sampled March 2022
Brand: Two Blokes Cider Inc. Type: Cyser – Mulled Location of Brewing: Port Perry, ON ABV: 14.2% Website Link: www.twoblokes.ca Ingredients: Cider, mead (honey), cinnamon, cloves, allspice Gluten Free: Yes Sugar Content: N/A Size(s) available: 500ml (bottle) |
Cider Crate Tasting Notes:
Smell: Medium aroma. Sweet, bright apples. Medium mulling spices. Light honey.
Initial Taste: Minimal bite from acidity. Tannins and bright apples, semi-tangy. Spices, in particular cloves, come through in this thick cider/cyser. Some astringency and barreling notes. Vanilla hints.
After Taste: Becomes slightly punchier and more spirit/bourbon focused. As time goes on it becomes smoother, leaving way for it to end largely with bourbon, cinnamon and honey notes.
On ice: Reduces mouthfeel and spirit notes. Weakened spices. Apple remains the same, maybe slightly cleaner.
Additional Notes: Two Bloke’s Apple Pie Cyser is a satisfying experience, delivering on all promised aspects in their name and ingredients listing. At 14.2%, it’s a thick slow sipper with strong astringency and spirit notes from the bourbon barreling to ensure you pace your sips. Its got bolder elements upfront and even becomes more spirit heavy in the middle, but into the aftertaste, it becomes much smoother, with the delightful honey mead flavours appearing. Tangy, fleshy and bright apples are a solid base for the other ingredients. Spicing is there but not too dominant, with some clove grit upfront, but more so cinnamon and slightly allspice focused in the end.
Rated on a scale of 1-5
Sweet – 3
Sour – 3
Crisp – 3.5
Dry – 3
Fruity – 3.5
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